Abstracts, Vol.16, No.2, 1998 English
International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS)

Journal of International Society of
Life Information Science

Vol.16, No.2, September 1998
ISSN 1341-9226


[Original Research Papers]


Characterization of the EEG in Qigong and Hypnosis


Centre for Informatics and Sciences, Nippon Medical School (Tokyo, Japan)

(Received on November 5, 1997, Final Revised and Accepted on June 25, 1998)

Comparisons are made regarding the effects of external Chinese qigong and hypnosis on simultaneous EEG recordings of senders and receivers. For the qigong studies, when a master was practicing qigong, alpha waves appeared in the frontal region, which were synchronized to those in the occipital region. The phase difference (tau m) between occipital (O1) and frontal (Fp1) regions during qigong became smaller than that in the resting state. This effect was also observed on the subjects who received qi. When the beta topography of the qigong master showed a specific pattern, a similar pattern tended to appear in the subject's betawaves. In a double blind experiment which excluded the suggestive effects as much as possible, the tau m value of the subject became as small as the qigong master's. These synchronizing effects between both EEGs of the master and the subjects indicate the possibility of some information transfer from the master to his subject. During hypnosis carried out on subjects who had already established close rapport with the master, the results were quite different, in spite of the fact that oral hypnotic induction was not used in order to create conditions comparable to those during qigong. In contrast to qigong, synchronized patterns in the beta topography were not evident. Although the alpha waves spread on the frontal area of both hypnotist and subjects and the tau m value tended to become smaller, the changes were not so remarkable as for qigong. The value in the concentrating state, such as during mental calculation, was much smaller. So, the smaller tau m during hypnosis was considered an effect of concentration, not of synchronization to the EEG of the master. In the case of hypnosis, even though by means of non-verbal induction, the subjects induced the hypnotic state in themselves by imagining the inductive terms which had always been given by their master.
EEG, external qigong, hypnosis, suggestive effect, trans-personal synchronization

Endocrine Responses during Zazen

Yuzo HIGUCHI1, Yasunori KOTANI1, Hironobu HIGUCHI2, Yukiko MINEGISHI3 and Jinrou ITAMI4

1Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo, Japan)
2College of Tohoku Medical Technology (Sendai, Japan)
3Kokushikan University (Tokyo, Japan)
4Shibata Hospital (Kurashiki, Japan)

(Received on May 19, 1998, Final Revised and Accepted on July 21, 1998)

One of the important issues people face in today's stressful society is how to control their thinking. Zazen is considered as one control method. Before and after a 40-minute zazen practice, the changes occurring in the levels of cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine, beta-endolphin and ganma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in venous blood were measured. The respective levels of cortisol, adrenaline and beta-endolphin decreased significantly, but noradrenaline showed a tendency to increase. Dopamine and GABA did not show significant changes. These tendencies were clearer for Yaza than Soushinza, as percentile changes. The levels of plasma cortisol and adrenaline each showed a decline from which it was concluded that stress was alleviated by practicing zazen, and that the sympathetic nerve activity also declined.
zazen, cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline, beta-endolphin, dopamine, GABA

[Proceedings of Sixth Symposium of Life Information Science]

without peer-review


These abstracts of the articles in the Symposium Proceedings are preliminary reports and they are printed as provided by the authors who have full responsibility for their contents, which have not been edited by the editors of the Journal.

Basic Thermal Distribution for the Hand of Ordinary Persons

Hideyuki KOKUBO, Junko TANIGUCHI, Masahiko HIRASAWA and Mikio YAMAMOTO
National Institute of Radiological Sciences (Chiba, Japan)

Our experiences in temperature measurements on the hand surface during relaxation have shown that some persons have high temperatures in the center of their palm and others have high temperatures at their thenar eminence and hypothenar eminence. This paper reports on a relationship between hand temperatures and patterns of 2-dimensional thermal distribution on the hand surface of 81 ordinary persons during relaxation. Differences in patterns of 2-dimensional distribution show all data can be classified into four groups:1) high temperature in the middle of the palm; 2) high temperature at both eminences; 3) intermediate type; 4) combination type. Hand temperatures differ for the types, but not for sex and age.
thermography, 2-dimensional pattern, hand, palm, thenar eminence, hypothenar eminence, hypothenar eminence, ordinary person

[Field Report]
Measurement Results of Healing Effects of a Boat Ride on the Agano River

Takayuki MIYAMOTO1,Akiyoshi OSHIMA2
1 Agano River Work Office, Hokuriku Regional Construction Bureau, Ministry of Construction (Niigata, Japan)
2WORD Laboratory Inc. (Urayasu, Japan)

Power Spectral Analysis of R-R Interval Variability during Wujijinggong

Yukiko MINEGISHI1, Tsuyoshi WATANABE1, Sachio YAMAGUCHI2 and Yuzo HIGUCHI3
1Kokushikan University (Tokyo, Japan)
2Hujisawa City Health & Medical Center (Kanagawa, Japan)
3 Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo, Japan)

This study was designed to evaluate the influence on autonomic nervous activity caused by "wujijinggong" training which is one kind of health-qigong. The subjects practiced qigong and R-R interval variability was evaluated by power spectral analysis. In the tow test groups, trained and untrained subjects, the power spectra in high frequency band (HF) during qigong decreased significantly, and the ratio of low frequency band to high frequency band (LF/HF) during qigong did not increase. These results suggested neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic nervous systems were activated during qigong.
Health-qigong, power spectral analysis, R-R interval variability, parasympathetic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system

Annual Changes in EEG on Qigong Trainees

Kimiko KAWANO1.2, Mikio YAMAMOTO2, Hideyuki KOKUBO2, Masahiko HIRASAWA2 and Hideaki SAKAIDA3
1Centre for Informatics and Sciences, Nippon Medical School (Tokyo, Japan)
2National Institute of Radiological Sciences (Chiba, Japan)
3Tokyo Denki University (Tokyo, Japan)

EEG change were experimentally studied on qigong trainees for two years. The subjects were one Chinese female (training length was 3 years at the first test) and three Chinese males (do. 2 years, and 18 and 17 months). The qigong method was an internal quiet qigong, named Zhen-qi-yun-xing-fa. The occipital alpha wave, as an indicator of relaxation, became large during qigong in the first year, though, the increasing rate was smaller in the second year. The ratio of the alpha amplitude on the frontal region to the occipital region, which is usually large for qigong masters, especially during qigong, did not show any apparent difference between values while resting and during qigong in the first year, although there was some difference with the length of their training period. In the next year, however, the ratio tended to become large during qigong. The alpha frequency became slower in the deep meditation-like state, especially in the second year. The subjects who had very slow alpha waves sometimes showed theta waves around Fz.
EEG, quiet qigong, frontal alphawave, occipital alpha wave, alpha-frequency, theta wave

Study of Alpha Waves in EEG under Acupuncture Anesthesia

Yoshihiro UEDA, Hitoshi KASHIBA, Masaaki ISHII and Yutaka HORI
Dept. of Physiology, Kansai College of Oriental Medicine (Osaka, Japan)

When EEG waves (the former) in adults are measured with the eyes closed and while physically relaxed, the alpha wave (the rhythm at 8-13 Hz) is derived from the posterior regions of the head. The alpha rhythm (the latter) over large areas of the head is also obtained under acupuncture anesthesia. Both wave modulations which are treated as the same alpha rhythm, but they differ from each other. When chaos analysis is applied to both waves, both have fractal structure and periodicity, but the attractor of the latter is more stable than that of the former. When the EEG rhythm obtained from each electrode is compared, based on the same time axis, the former data partially show the characteristic pattern and th latter data have overall synchronization. These results show that the sensory system response decreases due to the acupuncture anesthesia.
frequency, EEG, alpha wave, Chaos theory, attractor, acupuncture anesthesia

EEG Change in Anomalous Perception Task Related to Somatic Sensation - Part II -

Mikio YAMAMOTO1, Tomoko KOKADO1, Masahiko HIRASAWA1, Kimiko KAWANO2.1, Hideyuki KOKUBO1 and Hideaki SAKAIDA3
1National Institute of Radiological Sciences ( Chiba, Japan )
2Nippon Medical School ( Tokyo, Japan )
3Tokyo Denki University ( Tokyo, Japan )

The analysis results of electroencephalograms (EEGs) on the anomalous perception related to somatic sensation between a qigong master (qi sender) and an ordinary person (qi receiver) in a sensory-shielded state were reported in this journal (Vol. 15, No., pp88-96). These EEGs and those of another receiver were divided into two groups, i.e. the receivers perceive the sent qi or they do not. The differences of alphawave mean amplitudes were statistically tested as to two types, whether the qi was actually sent or not. Statistically significant differences are found at vision areas and somatic sensation areas related to the receivers' hands which were used when the receivers perceived sent qi or not, respectively.
subconscious, anomalous, perception, EEG, alpha wave, vision, somatic sensation, qigong

Effects of Short-term Starvation on Relief of "Brain Fatigue" and Its Application for Obesity

Takehiko FUJINO1, Koichiro TSUTSUI2, Shozo KANAYA1, Yoshikazu KAJI3, Toru MARUYAMA3, Bigen LA3, Michiko FUKUMITSU2, Chikako CHIJIIWA2, Teizo SATA4
1Institute of Health Science, Kyushu Univ. (Fukuoka, Japan)
2Health C&C Center (Fukuoka, Japan)
31st Dept. of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu Univ. (Fukuoka, Japan)
4Sata Hospital, Clinic for Cardiovascular Disease and Hemodialysis (Fukuoka, Japan)

Applying "brain fatigue," anew hypothesis for the onset of the disease and "Brain Oriented Oneself Care System (BOOCS)", a hypothesis for treatment, the effect in terms of weight reduction for 26 obese subjects was investigated. In addition, by making the initial 3 days of treatment a starvation period, the extent to which "brain fatigue" was alleviated by BOOCS, was enhanced. After one month of treatment body weight, body mass index (BMI) and percentage of fat fell significantly (p<0.01) with mean reductions of 3.6 kg, 1.3 and 2.2% respectively. In addition triglyceride fell by 28.9 mg/dl (p<0.05). No significant changes in other indexes were observed, and none of the indexes showed a negative change. Most subjects reported a sense of reduced fatigue, and a sense that once again they had a healthy appetite. These results indicate that by incorporation short-term starvation procedure into BOOCS, "Brain fatigue" is easily relieved.
Brain Fatigue, BOOCS, Obesity, Short-term Starvation, Body Weight

Physiological Measurements of the Static Qigong "NEI YANG GONG"

Yoshio MACHI1, Chao LIU1, Hideaki SAKAIDA1and Jian HUANG2
1Tokyo Denki University (Tokyo, Japan)
2Shanghai Qigong Institute (Shanghai, China)

Respiration is quite important in qigong, especially in the case of NEI YANG GONG, which is a type of medical qigong. In this paper, physiological changes in NEI YANG GONG are described in relation to respiration, using different patterns such as inhalation-exhalation-stop respiration cycle and inhalation-stop respiration-exhalation cycle.
physiological measurement, EEG, ECG, blood flow, PPG, autonomic nervous system, interval R-R analysis

[Special Lecture 1]
The Brain and Brainway Computer

Brainway Group, Brain Science Institute (BSI), The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) (Wako, Japan)

The brain works as a system which is capable not only of acquiring algorithms for information processing automatically, but also of selecting information it is to process. To elucidate the algorithms structurally as to how they are acquired leads to an understanding of how the brain grows by itself. This also mean identifying what factors are essential for our mental growth, and therefore, at least partly, to answer to the question "What is human being?". Further, it may enable development of a novel information processing system as in an engineering realization of a Brainway computer; i.e., a computer with an operating principle which is the same as the brain's. The Brainway computer can select information to process by itself, and to also acquire algorithms for the processing of the selected information by itself. Realization of the Brainway computer would confirm the brain operation principle as well. The Brainway computer may be considered ultimately as supplementary to exiting computer that work by following programs. In this paper, we introduce some brain science which places its standpoint on an approach so-called "Creating the Brain", and we present some research and development on the Brainway computer as an engineering counterpart of the brain.
brainway computer, algorithm, creating the brain, understanding the brain, soft-computing

Effect of Mineral Dissolved in Waters on NMR Spectra

Yoshinori ADACHI1, Takashi AOKI2, Yasuo YOSHIFUKU2, Katsushi YOSHIDA2 and Shoji SUZUKI3
1 College of Business Administration and Information Science, Chubu University (Kasugai, Japan)
2College of Engineering, Chubu University (Kasugai, Japan)
3 Kumamoto National College of Technology (Kumamoto. Japan)

Half-widths(Hw) of 17O-NMR spectra have been obtained for many mineral waters, and are found to be different each other. Furthermore, pH values have been found to control Hw. In this paper, the Hws are analyzed by the multiple regression analysis to investigate which element is controlled mostly in the dissolved minerals and pH. Na and pH are found as the above result. Hw changes by EQR irradiation are also investigated and Ca is found as the controlling mineral.
NMR spectrum, mineral water, half width, EQR irradiation, pH

Influence of Gauge Field and Weak Magnetic Field on Electrical Conductivity of Skin Surface

Takashi AOKI
Department of Engineering Physics, College of Engineering, Chubu University (Kasugai, Japan)

In 1959, Aharanov and Bohm theoretically derived that a vector potential field has a significant physical meaning. In fact, it was later experimentally proven that this field can change the phase of electron waves. The author expected that the field would also have biomedical influences on human bodies. The author made an experiment apparatus which produces a vector potential field or a vector potential field superimposed by a weak magnetic field by using coils. It was found that both of these fields change the electroconductivity of skin meridians related to autonomous nervous excitement levels.
biomedical effect, Aharanov-Bohm effect, skin meridians, autonomous nervous excitement current, biological effects of magnetic field

Analysis of Intellectual Resonance (or Synchronization) using a Card Game (3) Change by the Repetition of Three Kinds of Trials

Masahiro KURITA
The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan)

In a series of previous studies, we have established a method to quantitatively analyze intellectual resonance based on a concrete message. This method allows us to analyze how and to what extent intellectual resonance occurs in a group through the use of digital information such as numbers and characters. In this method, participants take their seats and fill out special cards according to game instructions. The degree of coincidence among neighboring participants is then examined and scores are assigned to the results. The scores are evaluated by mathematical tools within a framework of probability theory. In this study, we analyzed the data of 37 trials conducted by 38 participants instructed to carry out three different types of trials in sequence under the two types of game rules,i.e."ordinary game" and "8-kanji game" rules over the course of ten weeks. The three types of trials were as follows: one with an aim for resonance ("positive trial"), one with an aim for no resonance ("negative trial"), and one with no aim ("neutral trial"). In both ordinary games and 8-kanji games, mean scores of trials decreased according to the order of the positive trials, the neutral trials, and the negative trials. The differences of scores among trials were statistically significant. Accumulated scores for 10 weeks showed large differences among individuals. After defining the high scorer's group, the intermediate scorer's group, and the low scorer's group according to the values of their accumulated scores, we found consistent differences in scores for each week among three groups. The accumulated scores had a significant positive correlation with age. These results suggested the following:1)the degree of resonance of a group can be controlled;2)the degree of resonance decreased according to the repetition of trials under the condition of this study;3)There was a subgroup whose members exerted an ability of high resonance;and4) scores obtained in this study do not depend only on the stochastic process, but also on a specific ability of individuals.
synchronization, card game, information transfer, synchro-X, subconsciousness, resonance, serial trial

[Special Lecture 2]
"Qi" in The Field of Dental Clinic and Its Practice

Research Laboratory of Oriental Medicine Fukuoka Dental Clinic (Tokyo, Japan)

Everybody gets nervous or feels uneasy toward the dental treatment, and it is the problem for most of the dentists how to relax the patients, however, if you approach them from the side of the oriental medicine which is based on the "Qi", you will find that this is the most effective method. As you may know, there are a variety of methods or different kinds in the Chinese "Qi-Gong" therapy. When you give the therapy, there are two ways: One is the therapy that you try to put your mind or "Qi" into the patient wishing to cure him, and the other is the one that you automatically give without any mind or "Qi". I'd like to compare these two ways how they effect to the patients according to the clinical, physiological and objective observations. Also, I'd like to mention about the "Qi" in the field of dental clinic and its practice how we actually practice at our clinic with showing some examples of the "Bi-Digital O-Ring Test" originated by Dr. Yoshiaki Omura in U.S. from the view point that the "Qi" be considered in the electromagnetic field.
dental practice, oriental medical treatment, Shiatsu massage with Qi, the peripheral blood flow, Body Compressive Elasticity System, Bi-Digital O-Ring Test

[Mini Symposium]
Qigong and Psychiatry

Chairperson Shunkichi ENDO
Department of Neuropsychiatry, Nippon Medical School

  1. Application of Qigong to the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders
    Akemi TANAKA
    Department of Psychiatry, Tokyo Weman's Medical University, School of Meicine
  2. A Consideration on Qigong - from the Viewpoint of EEG - Synchronization between Qigong Healers and Their Subjects-
    Takeo FUJIKI
    Hihumi Clinic
  3. Brain Functional Integration and Hypnosis
    Mahito KIMURA
    Department of Neuropsychiatry, Noppon Medical School

[Overseas Report]
Recent Trends in Chinese Research on Somatic Science

Hong HE
Institute of Space Medico-Engineering (Beijing, China)

Parapsychological research (somatic science) in China has undergone a dramatic development for the past two decades, but psi still remains controversial among scientists. The criticism has been intensified ever since 1995 to the point that all research is accused of being "pseudo science". But some serious scientists are pointing out the only way to cease the debate is to go through well controlled, formal. authentic, scientific experimentation. They appeal for coordinated proof from verification tests. Points to be tested must include exceptional human functions and qigong "waiqi" (external or emitted qi). These tests are now ready to be run.
somatic science, psi, exceptional human functions, clairvoyance, qigong, waiqi, verification test

Last Modified: April 27, 1999

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