International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS)

Journal of International Society of
Life Information Science (ISLIS)

Vol.35, No.2, September 2017


[Original Research Paper]Peer Reviewed

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.35, No.2, p.99)

Physiological Investigation on EEG Coherency during Yoga Meditation and Qigong Exercise  
(Received on July 6th, 2017; Final revised and Accepted on July 23rd, 2017)  
Tadashi KATO1 and Kimiko KAWANO2
1Department of Behavioral Science, College of Liberal Arts, Fairmont State University
2Institute for Living Body Measurements, International Research Institute
Inner-brain functional synchronicity was investigated during TM (yoga meditation) and Qigong exer-cise, along with a control group that listened to a piece of relaxing music. Group 1 consisted of TM practitioners (N=8, 30.38 + 4.37 y), Group 2 consisted of Qigong practitioners (N=8, 43.00 +13.09 y), and Group 3 consisted of healthy university students with no experience in TM or Qigong (N=8, 25.13 + 3.18 y). Electroencephalo-grams (EEGs) were measured throughout the three stages of the experiment that consisted of: 1) pre-treatment-rest; 2) treatment; and 3) post-treatment-rest. The hemispheric (C3-C4) as well as frontal-parietal (Fz-Pz) coher-ences were computed and contrasted. Results demonstrated that TM produced increased coherences in both C3-C4 and Fz-Pz during and after meditation (that is, the treatment) in the TM group, while these coherences in-creased only after the treatment (Qigong) in the Qigong group. There was no significant change in the control group. These results suggested that TM enhanced the functional correlation in the brain, while Qigong enhanced it only during the rest period after the Qigong, and thereby implying a differential physiological mechanism. Dif-ferent uses of yoga meditation and Qigong exercise as forms of alternative medicine were suggested as a poten-tial clinical application.
electroencephalogram (EEG), coherence, music, yoga meditation, transcendental meditation, TM, Qigong


(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.35, No.2, p.95)

The 44th Symposium on Life Information Science, “Spirituality and Healing Science” held by the International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS), on August 25-28, 2017 at “Otorisou”, Izu Nagaoka Hot Spring, Izunokuni-City, Shizuoka, Japan: Expectations for Holding Camp XI
Mikio YAMAMOTO, Ph.D.,
Chairman of the Board of Directors& Editor-in-Chief, International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS)
Chairman of the Board of Directors, International Research Institute (IRI)
The First Advisor, Human Science Association of the Diet Members (NS)

The International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS) is commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the camp format meetings and holding the 42nd Symposium on Life Information Science with the main theme “Healing and Wonderful Phenomena” on August 26-29, 2016 at “Kasuga Forest”, Kasuga Hot Spring, Saku-City, Nagano, Japan. Twenty-one years of activities of the ISLIS and the promotion of “Human Potential Science” are reviewed since the Society’s Foundation in 1995. ISLIS has sought and continues to seek the realization of the paradigm shift from material-oriented science and technology to a new paradigm including the consciousness, spirit and mind through research based on empirical and positive scientific methodologies, and consequently, to promote the development of health, social welfare, and education, as well as social and personal peace of mind, and to contribute to the making of a peaceful world, at one with nature. Since the foundation of ISLIS, 42 Life Information Science Symposia have been held and issues of the International Society of Life Information Science (Journal of ISLIS) have been published regularly twice a year. ISLIS held the “International Conference on Human Potential Science International Forum” in Chiba, Japan in 2002, the “International Conference on Mind Body Science” in Seoul, Korea in 2004 and the “7th Psi Meeting” in Curitiba, Brazil in August 2011 co-sponsored with the Facludades Integradas ‘Espirita’. ISLIS published the book Human Potential Science in 2004. ISLIS has a worldwide presence with 11 International Information Centers and about 230 members in 15 countries. The 43th Symposium will be held on March 18-19, 2017 at Ohmori Medical Center, Toho University, Tokyo, Japan.
International Society of Life Information Science, ISLIS, spiritual, healing, wonder, world view, supernatural phenomena, hypnotism, parapsychology, complementary and alternative medicine, CAM, integrative medicine, IM, Izu, Nagaoka Hot Spring, Izunokuni, power spot

[President Lectre]

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.35, No.2, p.126)
Posttraumatic Growth and Helper Therapy Principle in Science for Caring

Takehiko ITO
 Wako University 
Posttraumatic growth (PTG) refers to positive psychological growth experienced as a result of adversity and other challenges in order to rise to a higher level of functioning. PTG has five factors: “Relating to Others”, “New Possibilities”, “Personal Strength”, “Spiritual Change”, and “Appreciation of Life”. These characteristics were expressed in interviews or essays by the Great East Japan Earthquake survivors. Helper therapy principle (or helper theory) suggests that when an individual (the "helper") provides assistance to another person, the helper may benefit. This principle was verified in narratives of professional or volunteer helpers in Tohoku survivors. These phenomena are observed not only in survivors or suffering people who experience disasters, crimes, accidents, illness and so on, but also in human being in general. We must consider the role and meaning of human relationship and spirituality in order to construct science for caring.
posttraumatic growth, helper therapy principle, positive psychology, narrative, survivors

[General Lectre]

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.35, No.2, p.126)
What is the True Core Reason Why Cancer Occurs?

International Cancer Prevention Center
Background: For a long time, oncologists have believed that the main factors underlying carcinogenesis are related to genetic abnormalities or protracted mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction, which are core reasons for carcinogenesis. In this lecture, a discussion is made on how to demonstrate that mitochondria respiratory dysfunction might be the true causal factor underlying carcinogenesis by presenting evidence obtained in an experiment in which a specific herbal medicine is used to inhibit the oxygen respiration of cancer cells and cancer re-differentiation-inducing treatment is exploited to return cancer cells to normal cells. Furthermore, public hygiene data show that carcinogenesis is derived from food and life style diseases. Methods: First experiment: The author discovered a specific herbal medicine that selectively affects cancer mitochondrial respiration function. It was hypothesized that if this herbal medicine has an impact on the symptoms of cancer, then the results would demonstrate that carcinogenesis originates from mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction. Second experiment: The author exploited a cancer re-differentiation-inducing treatment developed 5 years ago that allowed him to treat cancer patients noninvasively. This treatment was highly successful and did not require chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Results: The herbal medicine (Sun Advance) had an impact on most of the symptoms of cancer in the basic medical experiments. Furthermore, successful results were obtained for undifferentiated ovarium cancer and Leimyo-sarcoma patients treated with the re-differentiation-inducing treatment. Conclusion: Carcinogenesis is a form of mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction. Therefore, primary cancer prevention and recurrence prevention programs should advocate for life-style changes and re-differentiation inducing treatment.
  • Keywords:
    Core reason of carcinogenesis, cancer is not malignant, cancer is not irreversible

    [Research Presentation] Without Peer Reviewed

    (J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.35, No.2, p.110)

    Detection Mechanism for Micro PK
    Hideyuki KOKUBO
    Information and Research Center, International Research Institute(IRI)
    Random number generators (RNGs) are often used as detectors for psychokinesis (PK) effects in micro PK studies. It is considered that RNGs can detect PK reliably because anomalous outputs of RNGs cannot be ignored statistically. However, the details of the detection mechanism of RNGs for PK are still unknown. In the present study, based on some properties which were observed in macro- and bio-PK experiments done since the 1970s, the author discusses a theoretical model (CAW model) which is characterized by analog signal anomaly, electric coupling, and wave-like field.
    micro PK, random number generator, RNG, detection mechanism, CAW model

    [Research Abstract]

    (J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.35, No.2, p.118)
    The Effect of Nourishing Qigong Practice on Physical and Mental State Changes: Using the Nourishing Qigong, Nei Yang Gong Dong Gong, Yi Jin Xing Qi Fa

    Kiyohide ITO1,2, Kazuyo KIMURA2 and Jin Cheng LIU2
    1Future University Hakodate
     2 Tokyo China Association of Qigong 
    Nourishing qigong is a body exercise which includes slow body movements or keeping the stable posture with one’s own respiration. It gives practitioners mental health, a sense of well-being, and balance of the autonomic nerve system as well as physical strength. Nei Yang Gong was developed as a nourishing qigong system about sixty years ago. The Nei Yang Gong system is comprised of three elements, Jing Gong (quiet work), Dong Gong (moving work), and Bao Jian an Mo Fa (protect health press rub method) according to the official website of The National Medical Qigong Hospital and Training Centre ( We focused upon the intermediate level moving work called Yi Jin Xing Qi Fa. According to the website above, Yi Jin Xing Qi Fa enhances strengthening the muscles and regulating the flow of qi (natural energy) around / inner the body. In this report, we are going to demonstrate the effect of Yi Jin Xing Qi Fa practice on physical, mental, and spiritual state of a qigong practitioner. We quantitatively analyzed the first author’s backbone skewness and body balance comparing before and after a 2-year qigong practice. Furthermore, by the technique of research with the first person’s view, which is recently used in the field of embodied knowledge research, we qualitatively analyzed awareness of body movement and qi sense change. We obtained suggestive findings as follows. First, the body continued to move as if flowing compared to two years ago when the exercise was started. Second, the author’s backbone skewness has been decreased consequently the mid-spinal-line was aligned with the gravitational axis. Third, the magnitude of body sway was decreased more than practice was started. Fourth, hyperacusis and tinnitus were moderated and became less than before the qigong exercise. Fifth, the fluid motion of the body was related to the respiratory pattern. Sixth, the impression of timeless (time stopping) seemed to be related to increasing the clear sense (vivid visualization) of qi flow. In this presentation, we discuss these findings from the viewpoint of oneness that awareness, qi energy, and physical power merge together (yi qi li heyi), which is emphasized in learning Yi Jin Xing Qi Fa.  
    Qigong, Yi Jin Xing Qi Fa, effect of practice, meditative movement

    [Research Abstract]

    (J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.35, No.2, p.119)
    Clinical Improvement in Cancer Patients through Integrative Medicine Approach Mainly with Low-Molecular Fucoidan ~ The Fifth Report  

    Shinji NISHIMOTO
    Nishimoto Clinic

     I report seven cases in addition to the previously reported case showing favorably improved clinical courses after cancer therapy in integrative medicine combined with the stellate ganglion block, sugar restricted diet, Chinese herbal medicine and qigong augmented by low-molecular fucoidan supplementation. The cases reporting here include; a case of 76-year-old male patient with over 8 years of history with prostate cancer; a case of 58-year-old female patient with stage IV A thyroid gland cancer; a progress report in the case of 63-year-old female patient with less than 5-year history of stage IIA breast cancer who had previously shown a clearly reduced level of an apoptotic marker of anti-p53 antibody, a case of 74-year-old male  patient with stage III recurrent pancreatic cancer; a case of 27-year-old male patient with stage III colorectal cancer; a case of 74-year-old female patient with stage I colorectal cancer; and a case of 62-year-old female patient with peritoneal metastasis from stage IV colorectal cancer. Even though the clinical outcome for the last patient case was mortality, other six cases are making good progresses. Therefore, the messages suggested by these clinical courses experienced in my clinic are delivered to propose for consideration in the present protocol as a better future alternative clinical approach.


    Integrative medicine, Low-molecular fucoidan, Thyroid cancer, Prostate cancer, Breast cancer, Pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer

    [President Lecture]

    (J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.35, No.2, p.120)

    Posttraumatic Growth and Helper Therapy Principle in Science for Caring  
    Takehiko ITO
    Wako University  

    Posttraumatic growth (PTG) refers to positive psychological growth experienced as a result of adversity and other challenges in order to rise to a higher level of functioning. PTG has five factors: “Relating to Others”, “New Possibilities”, “Personal Strength”, “Spiritual Change”, and “Appreciation of Life”. These characteristics were expressed in interviews or essays by the Great East Japan Earthquake survivors. Helper therapy principle (or helper theory) suggests that when an individual (the "helper") provides assistance to another person, the helper may benefit. This principle was verified in narratives of professional or volunteer helpers in Tohoku survivors. These phenomena are observed not only in survivors or suffering people who experience disasters, crimes, accidents, illness and so on, but also in human being in general. We must consider the role and meaning of human relationship and spirituality in order to construct science for caring.

     posttraumatic growth, helper therapy principle, positive psychology, narrative, survivors

    [General Lecture]

    (J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.35, No.2, p.121)

    What is the True Core Reason Why Cancer Occurs?  
    Tsuneo KOBAYASHI
    International Cancer Prevention Center

    For a long time, oncologists have believed that the main factors underlying carcinogenesis are related to genetic abnormalities or protracted mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction, which are core reasons for carcinogenesis. In this lecture, a discussion is made on how to demonstrate that mitochondria respiratory dysfunction might be the true causal factor underlying carcinogenesis by presenting evidence obtained in an experiment in which a specific herbal medicine is used to inhibit the oxygen respiration of cancer cells and cancer re-differentiation-inducing treatment is exploited to return cancer cells to normal cells. Furthermore, public hygiene data show that carcinogenesis is derived from food and life style diseases. Methods: First experiment: The author discovered a specific herbal medicine that selectively affects cancer mitochondrial respiration function. It was hypothesized that if this herbal medicine has an impact on the symptoms of cancer, then the results would demonstrate that carcinogenesis originates from mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction. Second experiment: The author exploited a cancer re-differentiation-inducing treatment developed 5 years ago that allowed him to treat cancer patients noninvasively. This treatment was highly successful and did not require chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Results: The herbal medicine (Sun Advance) had an impact on most of the symptoms of cancer in the basic medical experiments. Furthermore, successful results were obtained for undifferentiated ovarium cancer and Leimyo-sarcoma patients treated with the re-differentiation-inducing treatment. Conclusion: Carcinogenesis is a form of mitochondrial respiratory dysfunction. Therefore, primary cancer prevention and recurrence prevention programs should advocate for life-style changes and re-differentiation inducing treatment.

    core reason of carcinogenesis, cancer is not malignant, cancer is not irreversible

    [General Lecture]

    (J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.35, No.2, p.132)

    Skin, Sensation, and the Brain Function  
    Kimiko KAWANO
    Institute for Living Body Measurements, International Research Institute

    Skin is generally considered to be an organ existing simply as a barrier that separates the body from the environment, and as protection of the inside body, it includes many sensors against various environmental changes. Furthermore, it is said that the skin is embryologically the same as the brain, so it is deeply related to the brain. However, the tissue derived from the same ectoderm as the brain is only the epidermis of about 0.2 mm in thickness. The inner tissue, dermis is derived from the mesoderm. Most receptors for various sensations are present in the dermis, and only free terminals of nerves extend to the epidermis. Does the epidermis only play a role as the barrier to the outside, and peel off? Are there any receptors in the dermis that sense extremely subtle information such as 'Qi' which is hard to catch with physical sensors? In this presentation, the author will discuss the sensing ability hidden in the epidermis and consider fine sensing functions of humans by the sensory nerves and autonomic nervous systems.

    epidermis, dermis, stratum corneum, autonomic nervous system, somatosensory, sensory receptors


    [General Lecture]

    (J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.35, No.2, p.133)

    Scientific Study of the Pyramid Effect Using a Biosensor  
    Osamu TAKAGI1, Masamichi SAKAMOTO2, Hideo YOICHI1, Hideyuki KOKUBO1,
    Kimiko KAWANO1 and Mikio YAMAMOTO1 
    1 IRI Institute of Theoretical Physics
    2Aquavision Academy Co., Ltd.   

      Our research objective is to strictly demonstrate the existence of the pyramid effect scientifically. The pyramid effect we have demonstrated so far is the following three points. 1. We compared the difference between a case where a meditator is present in a pyramidal structure (PS) and a case without a meditator. As a result, it was demonstrated that the influence on biosensor (edible cucumber section) placed at the PS vertex was different (p=3.13×10-10) [1]. 2. The influence (non-contact effect) on the biosensor placed at the PS vertex was detected not when a meditator was present in the PS but after the meditator stayed out in the PS. The non-contact effect with delay was able to be detected for about 10 days after the meditator became absent. From this result, we demonstrated a new phenomenon "a unique non-contact effect with delay involving pyramidal structures" [2]. 3. We clarified the occurrence requirement of the pyramid effect caused by the relationship between PS and the meditator. That is, it proved that non-contact effects are detected significantly only when a meditator is present in the PS, and are not detected under other conditions [3,4].  It is important to clarify the characteristics of cucumbers used as biosensors in future pyramid effect research. In recent research, we were able to obtain new findings on biological response rhythm, which is one of cucumber characteristics.

     meditator, non-contact effect, pyramid, bio-sensor, cucumber, gas, delayed effect

    International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS)
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    Last Modified: August 25, 2017