Journal of ISLIS, Vol.20. No.1, 2002
Vol.20, 2002, March
of International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS)
Vol.20, No.1, 2002
ISSN 1341-9226
[Original research Papers]
Time Factor and the Problem of Cardiovascular Diseases
The Scientific Centre of Psychology of Time, Mechnicov's Odessa State University
- one approach to identify people predisposed to cardiovascular diseases is considered.
The characteristic value of individual time unit, t-type of the subject, is taken as an indicator.
A large sample shows that two groups of t-types in the human population "prefer" to develop the ischemic heart disease. Different critical age points
in the development of the disease by individuals belonging to both groups are found.
- the individual, own time unit, spectrum, critical age point, cardiovascular diseases
Influence of Irradiation by Waves Emitted from 65kHz Toroidal Coils
on Forced Swimming Behaviors of Mice
- Katsushi YOSHIDA1, Takashi AOKI2, Yoshinori ADACHI3, Yasuo YOSHIFUKU4
- 1Faculty of Arts Sciences, Chubu University
- 2College of engineering, Chubu University
- 3College of Business Administration and Information and Iformation Science, Chubu University4
- Mice were irradiated by the ETC (emission from a troidal coil system) wave field proposed in our previous report,
and the difference in physical stamina between irradiated and control ( unirradiated) groups was examined.
The mice were ETC-irradiated for 10 minutes a day.The mouse were fed 2g of feed per day, corresponding to about 1/2
of the sufficient quantity. The ETC irradiation continued for 6 days. A forced swimming test was begun on the eighth
day and continued for 4 days. The feed quantity was reduced to 1g a day during the first 2 days of the forced swimming
test, and increased to 2 g a day during the last 2 days. On the second day of the forced swimming test, both the
irradiated and unirradiated groups showed a significantly lower rectal temperature than on the previous day.
On the third day, the unirradiated group mice showed an increase in immobile time in the forced swimming test, and
their mean value for the time was significantly greater than that of the irradiated group mice. This significant
difference disappeared, however, after the feed quantity was increased to 2g.
These findings implied that ETC irradiation improved the physical stamina of the extremely diet-controlled mice.
- ETC irradiation, animal swimming test, rectal temperature, physical stamina
Influence of Waves Produced by 60kHz Quartz Resonance System on Animal Rectal Temperature
- Takashi AOKI1, Susumu ARAHATA2, Hideyuki SHINNABE2,
Tomohiko HASEGAWA3 and Mineo KUNIHARA3
- 1College of Engineering, Chubu University
- 2ME System Development Department, Nippon Sigmax Co., Ltd.
- 3Pharmacology unit, Nippon Experimental Medical Research Institute Co., Ltd.
- Previously, we reported that irradiation by waves from EQR (emission from quartz resonance) had a strong
tendency to suppress proliferation of sarcoma 180 tumor cells in BDF1 mice, and to markedly inhibit carrageenin-induced
foot edema in rats. In the present investigation, influence of EQR irradiation on animal rectal temperature was examined. We found that EQR irradiation increased the rectal temperature. The amount of the temperature increase gradually decreased during repetition of the irradiation even in a time interval (30 min) shorter than that (several days) in the former report. We postulated that the effect arose because the EQR waves affected the autonomic nerve system.
- EQR irradiation, rectal temperature, tumor, edema, immune system, qigong
Report on Attendance at the International conference "Bridging Worlds and Filling Gaps in the Science of Spiritual Healing",
Hawaii, Nov. 29- Dec. 3, 2001
- Mikio YAMAMOTO1,Yoshio MACHI2,Masatoshi ITO3,Kimiko KAWANO4,
- Mami KIDO5,Hisanobu SUGANO6,Hideyuki KOKUBO1,7,Hideo YOICHI1,7, Chao LIU2
- 1National Institute of Radiological Sciences
- 2Tokyo Denki University
- 3Tohoku University
- 4Nippon Medical School
- 5Tohoku Gakuin University
- 6MOA Health Science Foundation
- 7The Institute for Future Technology
- Scientific research on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has become active in the USA due to rapid growth
in the research sponsored by the USA government. In late autumn 2001, the authors visited the University of
Hawaii and the Hawaii Remote Viewers' Guild (HRVG), and also Healing" to promote academic communication between East and West.
The University of Hawaii has a plan to establish a new department of alternative medicine by 2005. HRVG uses the Internet for
experiments and education. At the conference, there were approximate 40 reports abd lectures on research for subtle energy,
anomalous somatic functions, traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, physiology of non-local connection, free-response
psi experiment and intuitive diagnosis. Themes of many studies were in common with Asian ones. But, Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese
studies had a tendency to regard individuality of subjects as important compared with othere studies.
- spiritual healing, complementary and alternative medicine, anomalous phenomena
Skin Temperature Changes of Receiver's Laogong on the Left Hand in Remote Action Experiment (II)
- Weizhong CHEN1,2, Hideyuki KOKUBO1,2, Tomoko KOKADO1, Tong ZHANG1,2,
Suzue HARAGUCHI1,2, Kimiko KAWANO3,1 and Mikio YAMAMOTO1
- 1National Institute of Radiological Sciences
- 2The Institute for Future Technology
- 3Nippon Medical School
- Two persons who have a 40-year history as a pair practicing a martial art which front-detects
a partner's attack sign performed remote action experiment a total of 4 times over 2 years. In all runs,
the two subjects were in two different rooms, and the sender emitted a qi of attack only once during an
80-second trial under double blinded and randomized conditions. In this report, the temperature data of
the second experimental series were analyzed and tested. The difference between the average temperature
changes during a period of 2 seconds before the 1 second of sending was statistically significant at 5%
or less. The time of change was the same as in part I which analyzed the first experimental series. Then,
the differences between three large peaks which occurred around -41 (p=3.7%) sec (peak
I), 0 sec (13.4)
(peak II), +36 sec (1.3) (peak III) in the frequency histogram which Yamamoto 8) reported were also analyzed
and tested. PeakⅡshowed a statistically significant value of 1% or less between the difference of the
average temperature change near the sending time, however there was no significance near peaks
I and III.
- average skin temperature change, remote action, laogong point, thermistor, toh-ate
ECG Analysis in a Remote Action Experiment (II)
- Masataka TANAKA1,2, Mikio YAMAMOTO1, Hideyuki KOKUBO1,2, Tomoko KOKADO1,2,
Tong ZHANG1,2, Dmitri V. PARKHOMTCHOUK1,2, Weizhong CHEN1,2,
Suzue HARAGUCHI1,2, Kimiko KAWANO3,1 and Takao SOMA4,1
- 1National Institute of Radiological Sciences
- 2The Institute for Future Technology
- 3Center for Informatics and Science, Nippon medical School
- 4Tokyo Metropolitan College
- ECG analysis was done for a qi-receiver during Toh-ate (remote action; an ancient Japanese martial art) with double blind.
Two practitioners were isolated in two rooms under the condition of cutting normal information transfer. One practitioner (sender)
sent qi randomly once par trial of 80 seconds and the other (receiver) tried to perceive the qi; at the time he perceived it,
he pushed a switch. Their sending times, receiving times and physiological data were recorded during the experiments.
The receiver's ECG R-R intervals were measured, and their fluctuations before and after the sending times were analyzed.
As a result, in a group of trials without the receiver's switch signals, the coefficient of variation of
R-R intervals for 10
seconds after the sending times was larger by a statistically significant amount (1%) than before them.
- ECG, R-R interval, coefficient of variation, extrasensory, martial art, Toh-ate
Chronological Change in EEGs of a Child while Concentrating on Tasks
- Kimiko KAWANO1,2, Mikio YAMAMOTO2, Hideyuki KOKUBO2,3,
- Masataka TANAKA2,3, Weizhong CHEN2,3, Tong ZHANG2,3, Tomoko KOKADO2,3
- 1Centre for Informatics and Sciences, Nippon Medical School
- 2National Institute of Radiological Sciences
- 3The Institute for Future Technology
- Physiological measurements during concentration on tasks have been carried out for three years with children who
have been practicing a kind of image training and rapid reading. In this report, EEG changes of one subject,
a 9-year-old boy in 2001, are reported. Measurements from three experi-ments were analyzed during tasks with the eyes
closed. The tasks were resting, visual imaging and rapid reading using a blindfold (blind reading). Frequency of alpha
waves became faster with age. The tendency for high frequency alpha waves during visual imaging and blind reading was
clearer as the subject became older. The older the subject became, the larger the a amplitude on the occipital area
became. But a suppression during rapid reading was observed at a lower age. During hypnosis-like induction of image
and getting the contents of a book while blindfolded, the subject was considered to be in a so-called ASC (altered
state of consciousness). In such a state, the ratio of the a amplitude on the frontal to the occipi-tal area (Fp2/O2)
becomes usually large. In this work, the ratio became really large during rapid reading. At that time, lag time of
alpha waves on the frontal to the occipital area, as an indicator of concentration, be-came shorter than in the resting
state. The subject seemed to be in the concentrating state. Fm-shita which is considered to appear in deep concentration,
was not observed so often for this subject. Bata waves tended to appear dominantly on the left hemisphere and only
sometimes on the right or both occipital areas.
- EEG, alpha wave, alpha-frequency, frontal alpha-wave, child, concentration,
A Study of the Meridian - Meridian Point Effect by using Photo Signals -
- Hiroo INDOU
- TMR Oriental Medicine Clinic
- The purpose of this study was to demonstrate meridian functions by which the intelligence system
processed minute information. Twenty males and females, aged from 12 to 83, were radiated using light
emitting diodes (LEDs) without direct touch. Their reactions were measured with a single square voltage
pulse method. Results indicated significant differences of reactions according to wavelength. It was important that minute photo-information could be transmitted in the intelligence system. These results suggested that the system sensed with minute electromagnetic information may be existence.
- meridian, Qi, intelligence system, signal, LED, single square voltage pulse method
Changes of cerebral activation owing to the difference of qigong sensitivity
- Deactivation of the anterior cingulate gyrus in a qigong-sensitive subject-
- Yoshihiro UEDA1, Kyoichi KUROIWA1, Hideyuki ZENJYU1, Kouei HAYASHI1,
Naoteru MIYOSHI1, Hitoshi KASHIBA1, Yoshio MACHI2 and Hiroki TANABE3
- 1Kansai College of Oriental Medicine
- 2Tokyo Denki University
- 3Kansai Advanced Research Center
- A qigong experiment was conducted on the right laokung of a qigong-sensitive subject and a qigong-insensitive subject.
The changes of cerebral activation were examined using f-MRI. As qigong is said to be effective for cerebral relaxation,
both the activation and the deactivation of cerebral activities were focused on and comparatively studied.
Activation was observed in the first left somatosensory area and the light visual area, while deactivation was seen in
the first right motor area and the anterior cingulate gyrus of the qigong-sensitive subject. on the other hand, little activation
in the same areas was observed in the qigong-insensitive subject. These results enabled the authors to conjecture that the degree of cerebral
activation during qigong depends on the subject's sensitivity and that strong deactivation occurs in the anterior singulate gyrus,
particularly when qigong is effective.
- f-MRI, qigong, sensitivity, activation, deactivation
Physiological Study for Spoon Bending
- Yoshio MACHI and Chao LIU
- Tokyo Denki University, Graduate School of Engineering, Dept. of Electronic Engineering
- There have been many TV programs in which persons demonstrate spoon bending.
We are not so much interested in this, but we are interested in the mechanism of whya hard spoon bends.
However, we think that it has not been reported usingscientific methods because spoon bending is used
as an entertainment on stage or as a child's game. We worked with a male student at a junior high school
who can perform spoon bending easily. When we made physiological measurements during spoon bending, we
found results were similar to physiological phenomena seen in qigong and ki-aikidou. We understood that
this respiration played an important role in this spoon bending.
- ECG, blood flow, EMG, Respiration
The Physiological Study of Ki in Kiatsu Ryodo (1)
- Yoshio MACHI1, Chao LIU1, Koichi TOHEI2, Toshiaki ISHIZAKI2,
Tsutomu HAMAOKA2 and Setsuo KODATO2
- 1Dept. of Electric engineering, Tokyo Denki University
- 2KI Development Institute
- As a way of studying Ki in Kiatsu Ryodo which is an alternative application of "unification of mind and body"
featuring the Ki principle established by Mr. Koichi TOHEI, founder of the Ki Development Institute, an experiment
was carried out on what is affected physiologically through extending Ki by Aikido master who is also a Kiatsu Ryodo.
We understood that his respiration played an important role in this spoon bending, we found results were similar to
physiological phenomena seen in qigong and ki-aikidou. We understood that his respiration played an important role in this spoon bending.
- ECG, blood flow, EMG, Respiration
Interaction between Mind-Heart and Gene
- Kazuo MURAKAMI1 and Takashi HAYASHI2
- Bio-Laboratory, Foundation for Advancement of International Science
Abstracts:- We hypothesize that mind-heart and genes influene each other, and review recent studies to
support this hypothesis.
1. regarding the action of genes on mind-heart, a relationship between personality and gene structure has been reported.
It has been shown that individuals with a large number of repeat sequences in the dopamine receptor gene eagerly seek novelty,
while those with a small number of repeat sequences in the promoter of the serotonin transporter gene tend to feel anxiety.
- 2. It has been reported that mental stress influences the expression (ON/OFF) of the genes foe neuroendoctorine-immune
factors 8CRH, POMC, IL-2R) and the expression of the genes for factors (c-myc, c-myb, c-fos, c-jun) related to cell growth
and differentation, thereby suppressing the immune response and enhancing resistance to stress.
- Precise mechanisms of the interaction between mind-heart and genes will be elucidated in the future through progress
of the exhaustive analysis of the expression profile of genes that are switched ON/OFF by various factors influencing mental activity.
- messenger RNA, gene expression, mind-heart and gene, stress and gene, personality, neuroendoctorine-immune system, mind-body communication,
corticotropin-releasing hormone, dopamine receptor, serotonin transporter
Potential Mind Power-The Placebo Effect
- Hirotada HIROSE
- Tokyo Woman's Christian University
- Heated battles on the placebo effect have erupted since two Danish medical scientists Hrobjartsson,
A. and Gotzsch, P.C. published an article entitled "Is the placebo powerless?" in the special article
of The New England Journal of Medicine (N Engl J Med). They meta-analysed the clinical trials comparing
placebo with no treatment. Their results astonished the lay public as well as many medical professionals.
They concluded in the article that they found little evidence placebos in general have powerful clinical
effects. It was a revolt against a Harvard anesthetist Henry Beecher who had formed a placebo's scientific common sense half a century ago. In his one of major articles he
wrote a third patients had improved by administered placebos.
Many medical scientists and specialists criticized the Danish article from the viewpoints of the
methodology and data quality they used in the Correspondence of N Engl J Med of October 25, 2001.
A new evidence encouraged pro-placebo scientists. The journal "Science" reported dopamine release by
the placebo was detected in Parkinson's Disease patients' brain by the advantage of
PET (positron emission
Now, solving the mystery of the placebo effect has become one of the hottest scientific issues in
the medical and psychological world.
Change of Biophoton Emission by Mental Concentration PartⅡ.
-Trial Detection of Healing Effect by Biophoton Change-
- Junichiro KOTAKE1,2, Suzue HARAGUCHI1,2, Dmitri V. PARKHOMTCHOUK1,2, Mikio YAMAMOTO1
- 1National Institute of Radiological Sciences, 2The Institute for Future Technology
- Biophotons are an ultra weak photon emission appearing from a living body.
Whether biophoton emission can be influenced by a healing treatment was investigated
in experiments in which the biophoton emission was compared during healing and resting phases.
The samples were nude mice and germinating seeds.
The results indicated that there was no difference in biophoton emission between healing and
resting phases used on statistical analysis of average intensity and central moments.
The photo count distribution was shown to be close to a Poisson distribution.
- biophoton, mental concentration, healing, life activity, CAM, Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
Physiologocal and Psychological Effects of Fragrances
- Mami KIDO
- Faculty of Liberal Arts, Tohoku-Gakuin University
- An attempt has been made to measure the effects of a fragrance on the extremities of the human
body by using a single square voltage pulse (SSVP) method. Estimation of whether the fragrance induced
alertness or calming down was made based on changes in parameters related to autonomic nervous system
and blood flow. Peppermint and jasmine tended to induced alertness, whereas lavender and lemon induced
pacification and rose worked in either way. But the results were rather diffuse compared to the effects of
audiovisual stimuli measured by SSVP in the previous study. This seemed to be due to variations of
susceptibility to fragrances for individuals and psychological influence of fragrance which complicated the
appearance of changes on the body extremities. However, there were some subjects with high
susceptibility to fragrance whose reactions to the fragrance coincided perfectly well with that reported by
CNV brain wave measurements.
- fragrance, electro-conductivity, single square voltage pulse method, alertness,
pacification, perfume
Changes of Oxygen Metabolism in the Cerebrum during Shaolin Internal Qigong
- Qiang LI1, Yoshimasa MATSUURA2, Shinji TSUBOUCHI2,
- Qiming LI3 and Norinaga SHIMIZU2
- 1The Japan Society of Chinese Tuina Medicine
- 2Dept. of Earth and Life Sciences, College of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Osaka Pref. Univ.
- 3Kitade Hospital
- In this study, the states of oxygen metabolism in the cerebrum were analyzed by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
in order to clarify the mechanisms of physiological changes during exercises of Shaolin Internal Qigong. The subject
was a 55-year old man, who has practiced Shaolin Internal Qigong almost every day for over 40 years. At rest in the
sitting position, the average oxygen saturation(StO2), total hemoglobin (TotalHb) and oxyhemoglobin(OxyHb) were 79.6%,
393.0cm・g/l, and 312.9 cm・g/l, respectively, whereas during Shaolin Internal Qigong exercises, they were within 77-79%,
390-396cm・g/l, and 299-312cm・g/l, respectively. These results mean that the three characteristics did not change
significantly between at rest and during Shaolin Internal Qigong. The subject seemed to maintain the oxygen density
and hemoglobin density in the brain blood flow as constantly as possible. In addtion, Shaolin Internal Qigong may
promote oxygen consumption economically to inhibit the increase of DeoxyHb in the blood.
- Shaolin Internal Qigong, Near-infrared Spectroscopy(NIRS), oxygen metabolism, hemoglobin(Hb), oxygen saturation(StO2)
Endoctrine Response During Zhang Method Qigong
- Yuzo HIGUCHI1, Yasuori KOTANI1, Yoshitsugu HAYASHI2, Shinichiro MOMOSE3
- 1Tokyo Institute of technology,2Musashino Treatment Center, 3Momose Clinic
- Zhang Yong Xiang, a popular Chinese qigong master, inheritated the leadership position in Zhangbmethod Qigong and has
improved it by integrating a method to transmit qi more effectively while simultaneously taking in spiritual energy. His
unique method has had good effects in therapy. The Zhang Method Qigong was studied in this report. Before and after a 40-minute
practice session, the levels of cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine, bata-endorphin in venous blood were measured.
Plasma adrenaline increased significantly, but no significant changes were evinced for the others.
This indicated that the participants had strongly concentrated their consciousness.
- Zhang Method Qigong, cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline, bata-endorphine, dopamine
Number and Function of Leukocytes Is Regulated by the Autonomic Nervous Sytem
- Toru ABO
- Department of Immunology, Niigata University School of Medicine
- Macrophages, constituting a host defense system, are the most fundamental leukocytes which protest the human body
from bacteria and antigens. In the course of phylogenetic development, multi-cellular organisms acquired granulocytes and lymphocytes
from proto-macrophages. Granulocytes are beneficial for eliminating bacteria by their phagocytosis, whereas lymhocytes
are beneficial for eliminating small antigens by their immune functions. The distribution of granulocytes and lymphocytes
(e.g., 60%:35% in the peripheral blood of adult humans) is known to be influenced by the size of microbes which invade the human
In this review, it is also revealed that the distribution of these leukocytes is regulated by the autonomic nervous system.
This is due to the existence of adrenergic receptors on granulocytes and the existence of cholinergic receptors on lymphocytes.
For the most part, the variety of leukocytes induced by the autonomic nervous system appears to be desirable for defense of the host.
However, if the autonomic nervous system deviates too much in one direction, over-activation of granulocytes or lymphocytes
appears, which results in certain diseases. Without introduction of the concept of "immunomodulation by the autonomic
nervous system", the mechanisms underlying the onset of many tissue destructive diseases and allergic diseases cannot be properly
- macrophages, granulocytes, lymphocytes, autonomic nervous system, host defense system, phylogenetic development
An Attempt to Reproduce the Presentiment EDA Response
- Dmitri V. PARKHOMTCHOUK1,2, Junichiro KOTAKE1,2,
- 1National Institute of Radiological Sciences, 2The Institute for Future Technology
- We attempted to reproduce Radin's experiment in whichi presentiment response was observed in electrodermal activity (EDA).
In his experiment a series of pictures are shown to a subject; results are claimed to show a presentiment response exists in EDA -
signal before picture demonstration differs in accord with future picture contents (calm/disturbing). We wrote software to run this
experiment and analyzed a few hundred pictures. We proposed a method of evaluating the statistical significance, which we hope
is suitable independent replication of results.
- EDA, presentiment response, precognition, emotion, visual
Anomaly of Random Number Generator Outputs
- Cumulative Deviation at a Meeting and New Year's Holiday -
- Hideo YOICHI1,2, Hideyuki KOKUBO1,2, Suzue HARAGUCHI1,2 and Mikio YAMAMOTO1
- 1National Institute of Radiological Sciences
- 2The Institute for Future Technology
- When many people gather and do something intensively, no matter how little the people are conscious of the
results of their conduct, anomalous output from the random number generator which is set around such people,
occurs, so that it is recognized as a statistically significant occurrence. When a worldwide event occurs and
many people notice it, random number generators set around worldwide show anomalous output. It has been a recent
tendency to receive such reports. The authors carried out experiments measuring the accumulated deviation of
anomalous output from a random number generator on the occasion of an international scientific conference about
spiritual healing held in Hawaii, 2001 and at the New Year'S holiday in Japan, 2002. Results, experimental data
were statistically significant: Z=2.32, p=0.02 (both tails) at the meeting; Z=2.11, p=0.035 (both tails) in the
New Year's holiday, while controls were by chance. In further studies, it will be necessary to use plural random
number generators and to compare with results of Global Consciousness Project.
- consciousness, random number generator, RNG, REG, FieldREG, Global Consciousness Project
Development of a music generation system for the relaxation by the Schumann
Resonance Effect
- kazuhide UESUGI1, Yoshinori ADACHI2, Kazuhiro OHMAGARI1 and Syoji SUZUKI1
- 1Kumamoto national College of Technology
- 2College of Business Administration and Information Science, Chubu University
- A new music generation system for stress resolution is proposed. The sounds in which there are 1/f fluctuations such as
the sounds of a running stream, insects and windchimes are effective for stress resolution. It is known that the
fluctuation of 8 [Hz] observed in tremolo vibrato of sounds of insects, etc. derives from a natural phenomenon called Schumann
resonance. Then, a music generation system was developed that used the Schumann resonance wave in music for stress resolution, and the
stress resolution effect was measured from pulse wave information measured at the wrist of the subjects.
- stress resolution, 1/f fluctuation, Schumann resonance, pulse wave, tremolo vibrato
Effects of Negative Air Ions on Living Body (1)
- Hisanobu SUGANO1, Shigenori SHIROUZU1, Eiko SHIROUZU2,
- Yasumi KAWAMATA3 and Iwao TSUTSUMI4
- 1MOA Health Science Foundation
- 2Office Hudson
- 3NEOBIS Co., Ltd.
- 4Tsutsumi Planning Co., Ltd.
- The effects of negative air ions on living body were evaluated. Negative air ions were generated by
an ultrasonic humidifier, and changes in heart rate, blood pressure, accelerated pulse wave and peripheral
blood flow were measured. Negative air ions seemed to inhibit the sympathetic activity and to decrease blood
vessel tone of the subjects whose sympathetic activities were accelerated.
- air ion, ultrasonic humidifier, autonomic function, heart rate,
blood pressure, accelerated pulse wave, peripheral blood flow
A Study on the Relationship
between alpha-waves and Business Performance (Part V)
(Examining whether awareness of the importance of self-reflection will affect business performance)
- Akiyoshi OSHIMA
- WORD Laboratories Inc.
- Part IV of this study found that it is possible to enhance business performance by
making and executing plans in consideration of activities that encourage self-reflection.
Part V focuses on the effectiveness of being aware of such activities to achieve greater
results. Factors for realizing significant achievements are clarified through experiments
and measurements. The possibility of increasing alpha-waves by (1) singing and (2) wearing
a watch with a magnetism-discharging device is also examined.
- alpha-wave, training, business, performance, planning, insight
Measurement of Relaxing Effects from a Visit to a Riverside
- Takayuki MIYAMOTO1,Masashi Ozawa1,Akiyoshi OSHIMA2
and Miyoko TOGASHI2
- 1River Division, Construction Department, Yamaguchi Prefectural Government
- 2WORD Laboratories Inc.
- Relaxing effects from playing in the water and enjoying cool breezes were examined by measuring
various body parameters for 31 elementary and junior high school students. The measurements were done
for 10 indexes of the subjects. Positive effects were observed on measurement items relating to
physical conditions (blood pressure and skin temperature), and items relating to a person's
consciousness (STAI questionnaire). In items relating to a person's unconsciousness (brain waves
and AMI), such effects were observed only at one of the measurement locations.
- alpha-wave, measurement, relaxation, AMI
Free Stereo View Using Moving Images brings eyesight the immediate effect
- Masahiro KURITA
- Gummma Paz College School of Nursing
- While teaching the speed reading method which contains the training of free stereo view, we found the phenomenon which
eyesight improved at once. The phenomenon was quantitatively evaluated. The subject is a group of 21 from 19 to 40 years old (
28.5 years old on the average). While maintaining the situation to achieve the free stereo view in figure on each page, training by
which the image was moved 1)back and forth, 2)right and left, 3)up and down, and 4)along the circumference during 60 minutes
in total was performed. Eyesight was measured before and after the training of free stereo vision. As a result, the naked-eye
eyesight with both eyes increased by 0.40 on the average (average of 14 people). The taining of the free stereo view which uses images
with a series of movements brought wywsight the immediate effect.
- Free stereo view, 3D vision, eyesight, speed reading, eye movement, Kurita's super-reading system
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Last Modified:February 25, 2002