International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS)

Journal of International Society of
Life Information Science (ISLIS)

Vol.28, No.1, March 2010


[Report of Chairman of Board of Directors]

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.3)

Review of 14 and a Half Years Progress for the International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS) and the Promotion of "Human Potential Science"
Chairman of the Board of Directors & Editor-in-Chief,
International Society of Life Information Science (
Chairman of the Board of Directors, International Research Institute (IRI )2
Visiting Professor, Toho University
Fourteen and a half years of activities of the International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS ) and the promotion of gHuman Potential Scienceh are reviewed. ISLIS has sought and continues to seek the realization of the paradigm shift from material-oriented science and technology to a new paradigm including the consciousness, spirit and mind through research based on empirical and positive scientific methodologies, and consequently, to promote the development of health, social welfare, and education as well as social and personal peace of mind, and to contribute to the making of a peaceful world, at one with nature. Since the foundation of ISLIS in 1995, 29 symposia have been held and 29 issues issues of the Journal of ISLIS have been published periodically. ISLIS held the gHuman Potential Science International Forumh in Chiba, Japan in 2002 and the gInternational Conference on Mind Body Scienceh in Seoul, Korea in 2004. It published the book Human Potential Science in 2004. The ISLIS has a worldwide presence with 9 international Information Centers and about 270 members in 10 countries.
International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS ), Journal of International Society of Life Information Science, publication of a book, human potential science, mind body,
parapsychology, qigong, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), integrative medicine

[Original Research Papers] Peer-Reviewed

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.14)
Decreased Cross-Sectional Area of The Anterior Thalamic Peduncle In Bipolar Disorder: A Fiber Tracking Study

Akifumi IKEDA1, Shinsuke KITO1, Jiuk JUNG2,
Tetsuo KOBAYASHI2 and Yoshihiko KOGA1
1Department of Neuropsychiatry, Kyorin University School of Medicine (Mitaka, Japan)
2Department of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan)
There is a hypothesis that impaired integrity of white matter is involved in the pathology of bipolar disorder. The anterior thalamic peduncle is a nerve fascicle connecting the thalamus and the prefrontal region, and it might be related to the cognitive impairment of bipolar disorder. In this study, we acquired diffusion tensor images from eleven bipolar patients and fifteen healthy persons. Fiber tracking was performed on the anterior thalamic peduncle, and tractographs were drawn up. The cross-sectional area (CSA), mean fractional anisotropy (FA), and mean apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) were assessed and compared between the patient group and the control group. Compared to the healthy persons, bipolar patients had a significantly smaller CSA in the right and left anterior thalamic peduncles. No significant differences were seen between the groups in terms of ADC and FA. In both groups, CSA, FA, and ADC for the left side showed significantly higher values than for the right side. These findings may represent a disruption in white matter integrity between the thalamus and prefrontal cortex in bipolar disorder. Further, bilateral neurodevelopmental impairment may be closely involved in the pathology of bipolar disorder.
anterior thalamic peduncle, bipolar disorder, diffusion tensor imaging, fiber tracking, white matter

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.23)
Changing Definitions of Meditation- Is there a Physiological Corollary? Skin temperature changes of a mental silence orientated form of meditation compared to rest

Ramesh MANOCHA1, Deborah BLACK2, David SPIRO3, Jake RYAN4 and Con STOUGH4
1 Barbara Gross Research Unit, Royal Hospital for Women (Randwick, Australia)
2Faculty of Health Sciences The University of Sydney, (Sydney, Australia)
3 Institute of Psychiatry, Kingfs College London (London, UK)
4 Centre for Neuropsychology, Swinburne University
[Objectives] Until very recently, the U.S. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) defined meditation as ga conscious mental process that induces a set of integrated physiological changes termed the relaxation responseh. Recently the NCCAM appears to have reviewed its understanding of meditation, by including a new central feature: gIn meditation, a person learns to focus his attention and suspend the stream of thoughts that normally occupy the mindh, indicating a shift from a physiological (grelaxation-responseh) to an experiential (suspension of thinking activity) definition, more in line with traditional eastern understandings. We explore the physiological implications of this paradigmatic shift.
[Design] A controlled, observational study.of acute physiological changes. N=26. Participants were asked to either meditate or rest for 10 minutes.
[Settings/Location] A temperature controlled room at Swinburne Universityfs Psychophysiology Laboratory, Melbourne.
[Subjects] 16 meditators proficient at a mental silence orientated form of meditation (Sahaja yoga, SYM) and 10 non-meditators with an interest in meditation.
[Interventions] A mental silence orientated form of meditation (Sahaja yoga, SYM) was compared to rest.
[Outcome Measures] Palmar skin temperature and heart rate.
[Results] Throughout the meditation period mean ST of the SYM group decreased while that of the Rest group increased. After ten minutes of meditation, 13 of the 16 meditators manifested a reduction in ST compared to baseline whereas 7 of the 10 participants in the control group manifested an increase compared to baseline. Chi-Square tests showed that the difference between the two groups was significant (p=.003). Heart rate changes however did not differ between the two groups.
[Conclusions] The study suggests that the experience of mental silence and rest are not psychophysiologically identical despite the fact that they are overtly similar. Implications of this, and need for further evaluation, are discussed.
meditation, relaxation, arousal, skin temperature, controlled trial, mental silence, sahaja yoga, definition
[Case Study] Peer-Reviewed

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.31)
Effects of Reiki on Atherosclerosis

Shan WU 1,2, Li NIU2, Jianfang WU1 and Chongmao GAO3
1Medical Research Center, Medical College of Jiujiang University (Jiangxi, P. R. China)
2Department of Pathophysiology, Medical College of Jiujiang University (Jiangxi, P. R. China)
3The first People's Hospital of Jiujiang, Jiujiang (Jiangxi, P.R.China)
The purpose of the research in this study is to evaluate the possibility that Reiki decrease the progression of atherosclerosis and decrease markers of neuroendocrine and sympathetic nervous system activation in an animal model. Methods: Eighteen Cholesterol-fed rabbits were divided into 2 groups and received daily visits from a Reiki healer or from an untrained individual for 10 weeks. The practitioner faced the cages and gbeamh energy through the palms of their hands. After 10 weeks, the entire aorta of rabbit was removed and stained by Sudan IV. Plasma Cholesterol, ACTH, Cortisol, Epinephrine Levels were examined at pre-and post-test by radioimmunoassay or ELISA. Results: Statistically the differences were not significant though aortic atherosclerotic lesion areas of Reiki group were decrease compared to that of the control (p=0.22). There were significant elevation of cholesterol levels and decrease of ACTH levels at post-test in both groups, but no significant differences between Reiki and control (p=0.34, p=0.13). There were no significant differences in epinephrine (p=0.47), cortisol levels (p=0.74) between Reiki and control. Conclusion: The results did not show that Reiki is beneficial for decrease the progression of atherosclerosis and decrease plasma levels of the stress markers in the animal model.
Reiki, energy healing, atherosclerosis, cholesterol, ACTH, cortisol, epinephrine, rabbits
[Research Paper] Without Peer-Review

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.35)
Methods of Comprehensive Assessment of Light Response of 'Pupil and Iris'

Akihiko KAMADA1 and Daehoon KIM2
1Iritech Co., Ltd (Tokyo, Japan)
2Iritech Inc., (Vienna,VA,USA)
Traditionally, pupil movement has been routinely captured by accurate measurements of the variation of the pupil diameter (actual dimension) as an extension of visual observation. The viewpoint and criteria as well as methods for assessing autonomous neurodynamics and other characteristics from imaged records of pupillary light response (pupillogram) using scattered (natural) light projection remain to be developed. For the viewpoint and criteria for observing pupil movement and the methods for assessing the movement, the imaging and analytical methods which make use of iris recognition technology and the simplified comprehensive assessment methods (Japanese Patent Application Publication No. 2008-259609) have improved the accuracy of the measurements and their utility as measures for assessing autonomous neurodynamics.
pupillary light responses (reflex), autonomous nerve, iris recognition technology

[Proceedings of 29th Symposium of Life Infromation Science]
without peer-review

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.84)
Relationship between Biophotons and Gases Generated from Cucumber Pieces

Hideyuki KOKUBO1, Satoshi KOYAMA3,1 and Osamu TAKAGI1
1Institute for Living Body Measurements, International Research Institute (Chiba, Japan)
2Meiji University, School of Information and Communication (Tokyo, Japan)
3Meiji University Graduate School of Information and Communication (Tokyo, Japan)

The authors discuss the relationships between biophotons and gases generated from cucumber pieces, which were cut and then exposed to air. The generating ratio of whole gases reached its maximum 30 min after they were cut, and then decreased monotonically. The gas composition changed during the process. The intensity of near-infrared biophotons could be approximated by the sum of a chain reaction and a logistic reaction. Specific gases that showed a color reaction of 91D (a passive dositube for formaldehyde) reached a maximum concentration simultaneous to the chain reaction of near-infrared biophotons. The intensity of visual light biophotons could be approximated by the sum of plural logistic equations. Moreover, a chain reaction could approximate an anomalous difference of biophoton intensities between control and experimental samples of cucumber after non-contact healing (laying-on-of-hands). In summer, specific gases that showed a color reaction of 141L (a detector tube for ethyl acetate) reached a maximum generating ratio at a different time from they did in winter.
biophotons, green odor, Cucumis sativus ewhite spin typef, near infrared, visual light, gas detection tube, formaldehyde, ethyl acetate, odor sensor, non-contact healing, approximate equation

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.95)
Application of a Gas Measurement Method- Measurement of Ki Fields and Non-contact Healing -

Hideyuki KOKUBO1,2, Osamu TAKAGI1 and Satoshi KOYAMA3,1
1Institute for Living Body Measurements, International Research Institute (Chiba, Japan)
2Meiji University, School of Information and Communication (Tokyo, Japan)
3Meiji University Graduate School of Information and Communication (Tokyo, Japan)

The authors discuss a gas measurement method utilizing Cucumis sativus (ewhite-spin-typef cucumber) as a bio-sensor, and its application to ki fields and non-contact healing. Through non-contact healing experiments using multiple healers, the instructions to change odor intensity were demonstrated to be effective. Furthermore, data from the main test were effectively calibrated using data from a simultaneous blank test; samples in both tests were made from the same cucumbers. It was shown that measurements should be performed using the same lot number of the gas detector tubes. There was a possibility that a subject could affect distant points, from several to 10 m, if he/she has strong ki/qi (or psychic) power. Another possibility was that another anomalous phenomena created a background potential that drifted slowly. Moreover, the authors tried to measure the place eBungui-tougef, which is claimed to have a strong ki field, in Ina city in Nagano prefecture. Results suggested that an unknown factor may exist in the universe, which causes effects similar to those of human anomalous phenomena.
Cucumis sativus ewhite spin typef, gas detector tube, 141L, ethyl acetate, non-contact healing, Bungui, potential, simultaneous calibration technique, SCAT

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.113)
Study on the Influence of Staff Increase on Nurse's Consciousness

Yukiko SASAYAMA1, Yumiko KAWAI1 and Yoshinori ADACHI2
1West Medical Center Johoku Municipal Hospital of Nagoya City (Aichi, Japan)
2Chubu University (Aichi, Japan)
The influence from a nursefs consciousness on a patient is large. Therefore, from the viewpoint of enhanced care, it is important to ensure that each nurse can care for patients in a situation with composure. However, there is no surplus number of nurses at medical treatment sites, and each nurse is very busy. In this research, questionnaires were used to evaluate how a nursefs consciousness about the practice of nursing and caring was changed by a staff increase. Moreover, the difference of the consciousness between the nursing staff and middle management at the facility was examined.
nursing staff increase, 7F1 nursing system, patient care, nursefs consciousness, lifestyle help

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.121)
Impersonal Perspective as a Scientific Method to Describe Spirituality

Manami OZAKI and Retsu KODA
Department of Humanistic Psychology, Sagami Womenfs University (Kanagawa, Japan)
The purposes of this study were to advocate the impersonal perspective as a scientific method to describe spirituality, and according to such perspective, to model the integral positivity derived from Ozakifs theory of three factor spirituality within the context of empirical science. First, we overviewed the philosophical discussions on researchersf unconscious perspectives and modeled impersonal science as a meta-method to overcome the conflicts among the various methodology such as behavioral and narrative approaches. Second, we organized the purposes, the objectives, the strengths, and the limitations of the psychological methods from the perspective of the first, the second, the third, and the impersonal. Third, we described integral positivity from the model of three factor spirituality on the perspective of impersonal which integrated the subjective and objective perspectives. Through the process above, we showed the meta-method, impersonal perspective, which made the selection of a suitable method from various ones freely depending on the purposes of the studies possible. We also showed the possibility to describe spirituality and transcendence within the frame of empirical science such as positive psychology by using the new method, impersonal science.
Spirituality, Impersonal, Perspective, Integral, Positivity, Model, Phenomenology, Transcendental, Field, Methodology

[Lecture by the ISLIS President]
(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.126)
On How Sciences Should be: Examples from Recent Affairs Associated with the Global Warming issue

Kiminori ITOH
Professor, Yokohama National University (Kanagawa, Japan)
Chairman of Organization Committee, The 29th Symposium on
Life Information Science
International Society of Life Information Science
Basic information necessary to reduce CO2 emission, provided by IPCC reports, now does not appear convincing enough. This situation is informative when we consider requirements for scientific activities. The following topics related to the global warming issue will be presented in this lecture.
1) Credibility of temperature data. 1-1) Failures of the Hockey-stick (HS) curve: the HS curves were found to be fabricated with inappropriate procedures. 1-2) Surface temperature data of NASA: several factors including rapid decrease in number of measurement sites appear to result in the false tendency of warming.
2) IPCC report and stakeholders. 2-1) Climategate affair: authors of the IPCC reports appear to have manipulated data and interfered review processes of journal articles. 2-2) Glaciergate affair: the retreat of the Himalayan glaciers emphasized in the reports was exaggerated and had no scientific basis. 2-3) Amazongate affair: an unfounded number and sentence were added to the reports with the purpose of exaggerating the vulnerability of the Amazon rain forest.
These uninspired and artificial examples vividly show how scientific processes are deformed by the motivation of researchers.
Global warming issue, IPCC reports, Climategate affair, Glaciergate affair, Amazongate affair

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.127)
Environmental Science is not a gModern Scienceh but a gFuture scienceh

Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Toho University (Funabashi, Japan)
Based on the considerations of current several leading textbooks of environmental science, I picked up three kinds of antagonism in the epistemology of science: objectivity vs. subjectivity, analysis vs. synthesis, and value-neutral vs. value-oriented. gModern scienceh has emphasized the left-side of these binary oppositions, rejecting the right-sides. However, our considerations suggested that the underlying epistemology of the environmental science stands on the right side: subjectivity, synthesis, and value-oriented. I ended this paper by emphasizing that more detailed considerations of the problem of subjectivity are necessary for the development of environmental science.
modern science, environmental science, objectivity vs. subjectivity, analysis vs. synthesis, value-neutral vs. value-oriented

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.128)
On Xenoglossy Occurring in Hypnosis and What It Suggests

Masayuki OHKADO1, Katsumi INAGAKI2, Nobuhiro SUETAKE3, Satoshi OKAMOTO12
1Chubu University (Aichi, Japan)
2Ingaki Katsumi Mental Health Laboratory (Gifu, Japan)
3Sakae Clinic (Aichi, Tokyo, Japan)
Xenoglossy (a phenomenon in which a person can use a language which he or she could not have normally acquired) is regarded as one of the strongest pieces of evidence for the reincarnation hypothesis. Ohkado et al. (2009)1) reported probably the first Japanese case of xenoglossy, in which a subject under hypnosis spoke Nepali, which she had never learned. In the present paper, we supply additional data and make a fuller report of the case.
xenoglossy, reincarnation hypothesis, hypnosis, regression therapy, language, Nepali, Nepal

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.140)
Activation and Inhibition of the Brain: Part II

Kimiko KAWANO, Hideyuki, KOKUBO, Osamu TAKAGI and Mikio YAMAMOTO
Institute for Living Body Measurements, International Research Institute (Chiba, Japan)
It is widely believed that only a small part of the brain is usually used. Therefore, if we could use just a little bit more of it, we would be an extremely brilliant person. But, is this true? The active core cells of information processing in the brain are neurons. However, there are ten times as many supporter cells, such as glia cells, furnishing nutrition for the neurons. In all there are more than ten trillion brain cells, is it right that most of those cells just exist and have no work? In a living body anything that is not needed or does not work is quickly gotten rid of. It should naturally be the same for neurons. Of course, not just the minimum numbers of cells needed are provided biologically; their numbers must be enough to satisfy the margin of safety ratio. It does not mean, however, that most neurons exist with nothing to do. The neurons are always standing by, ready to play their own roles quickly when a stimulation is received. So, an important point is inhibition of the neuronsf activities so that they do not work too hard. The essential role of the brain is to control many information signals, to process them smoothly, efficiently in a way to avoid confusion. Such controlled and inhibited conditions of the brain are looked into using the EEGs of one spiritual consultant, Craig Junjulas in this report.
EEG, wave, neuron, activation, inhibition

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.146)
The Effects of SonicVibration for SoundHealing on Body

Keiichiro KITA1, Yasuharu NAKAMURA2, Akiko SAITOU3 and Naoko SAKAMOTO3
1The Society for Sound Healing (Tokyo, Japan)
2Professor Emeritus, Showa University (Tokyo, Japan)
@3Accredited Therapist, The Society for Sound Healing (Tokyo, Japan)
All human beings equally spend about 10 months in our mothersf wombs, listening to the mothersf heart beats. During this time, we evolve in terms of our physical state, rapidly experiencing the 3 billion years of the evolutionary process taken by living species on Earth. About 4 and half months into pregnancy, babies acquire aural functions; they start to recognize their mothersf heart beats as sounds of a safe environment and accumulate the experience into the memory structures of the subconscious mind. Dr. Lee Salk and his group at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center revealed that, in a study of 102 new-born infants who continuously listened to adult heart beats (75BPM, 85db), 70% of the infants gained body weights, were mentally soothed, and cried for less amounts of time than the other babies. Even after we grow into adults, repetitive listening to slow and stable sounds enables us to feel secure and relaxed. By resonating such sounds inside the human body via SonicVibration, human beings experience an even larger degree of relief from anxiety, enhanced blood circulation, more warmth in the body limb parts, and greater relaxation, possibly remembering the sounds they once listened to while in their mothersf wombs. In literature, we can find this in Kenji Miyazawafs tale gGauche, the Cellist,h where the sounds of Gauchefs cello resonate into the bodies of rats and raccoons, thereby enhancing the forest animalsf blood circulation and healing them from illnesses.
body sonic, sound healing, healing vibration, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.148)
Stress-Reducing Activity of Various Food Ingredients

Research Institute, Morinaga & Co., Ltd. (Yokohama, Japan)
Chromogranin A (CgA) levels and the pupil stress value ( which was obtained by measuring the reaction of the eye pupil towards a flash of light), were employed as sensitive and substantial indices of psychosomatic stress to determine stress reduction activity of various food ingredients. In the first experiment, a starch paste with a low stress-reducing activity was simultaneously taken with various food ingredients to get easier intake of the object ingredients. CgA levels showed a significant difference (P < 0.05) for a cayenne additive compared with that for control water. The pupil stress value showed a significant difference (P< 0.05) for theobromine-rich cacao extract, powdered tea and cardamom (a curry spice) additives. Furthermore, wboth indices showed a significant difference between water and a soft candy separately, supplemented with cardamom, cayenne and grape seed polyphenol.
chromogranin A, pupil reaction, psychosomatic stress, stress-reducing food ingredients

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.153)
Taichi-quan: Aiming at scientific resolution of Taichi-quan practice, from martial arts to exercise for promoting healthThe Effects of SonicVibration for SoundHealing on Body

Hidetsugu KATSURAGAWA1, Kimiko KAWANO1,2, Shuichi HASHIZUME1,3, Akihiko KAMADA1,4
Hideyuki KOKUBO1,2, Mikio YAMAMOTO1,2 and Tsuneo WATANABE1
1Center for the Environmental Study of Life and Mind, Faculty of Science, Toho University (Funabashi, Japan)
2Institute for Living Body Measurements, International Research Institute (Chiba, Japan)
3Research Institute, Morinaga &amp; Co., Ltd. (Yokohama, Japan)
4Iritech Co. Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan)
Taichi-quan is characterized by very slow movements. The combination of the movements, respiration and consciousness can not be seen in other sports even other types of kung fu. Then as Taichi-quan takes account of consciousness and respiration , it has been sometimes compared to Zen meditation and is called moving Zen. Taichi-quan has a theory which has been handed down in its development. In this presentation, the authors look at various question about Taichi-quan including. Can its elements from martial arts be separated from exercise for promoting health? How is the problem of the spirit handled by the theory? Can various measurements that have been performed for Zen meditation also be used to resolve the theory of Taichi-quan will be resolved scientifically?
Taichi-quan, consciousness , respiration, movement, Zen meditation theory of Taichi-quan

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.154)
Changes of Pupillary Light Response and Electrodermal Activity (EDA) while doing Tai chi-Quan

Akihiko KAMADA1,Osamu Takagi3 , Kimiko KAWANO2,3, Hideyuki KOKUBO2,3, Shuichi HASHIZUME4,
Hidetsugu KATSURAGAWA2, Mikio YAMAMOTO2 and Tsuneo WATANABE2
1Iritech Co.,Ltd (Tokyo, Japan)
2Center for the Environmental Study of Life and Mind, Faculty of Science, Toho University (Funabashi, Japan)
3Institute for Living Body Measurements International Research Institute (Chiba, Japan)
4Research Institute Morinaga &amp; Co.,Ltd (Yokohama, Japan)
To observe various physical indices while doing Taichi-quan, we measured in this paper the pupillary light response and electrodermal activity (for skin conductance level; SCL) in a beginner and an experienced person who has trained for 20 years. In the experiments, pupillary light response and SCL were shown to change diametrically to each other. As each of those two indices is known to be related to autonomic nerve actions, the results might suggest differences of autonomic stimulation or acceptance/response at the target tissue (such as regional differentiation of sympathetic efferents) among various organs or tissues.
pupillary light response (reflection), autonomic nerve, electrodermal activity (EDA), skin conductance level (SCL)

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.161)
Effects of Tai Chi Exercise on Brain Activity

Yasushi NAKATANI and Hideho ARITA
Department of Physiology, Toho University School of Medicine (Tokyo, Japan)
We investigated effects of Tai Chi exercise (24 forms, two times) on brain activity, by measuring the EEG and regional cerebral blood flow (CBF). As a result, we found the alpha power augmentation on the EEGs during and after Tai Chi exercise. Tai Chi exercise evoked a gradual CBF increase in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). In addition, the urinary and blood serotonin (5-HT) levels increased after Tai Chi exercise, indicating that activation of the serotonergic system in the brain. Since PFC has efferent projections to 5-HT neurons in the brain stem, we suggest that PFC activation causes augmentation of the brain 5-HT system, which in turn, induces the increase in alpha power on the EEGs
serotonin, Tai Chi, prefrontal cortex, NIRS, EEG

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.162)
Physiology of Serotonin Neurons in the Brainstem

Hideho ARITA
Department of Physiology, Toho University School of Medicine (Tokyo, Japan)
The specific functions of serotonin neurons are: (1) maintaining a clear arousal level (an effect on the cerebral cortex); (2) producing a standby status under sympathetic nerve dominance; (3) facilitating antigravity muscles; (4) producing an analgesic effect; and (5) keeping mentally calm. The activity of serotonin neurons is related to the arousal state because continuous activity is present during waking. Factors that enhance the activity of serotonin neurons during waking are the rhythmic motor exercises of respiration and walking. We have demonstrated with experimental data that Zen mediation, yoga, and tai chi exercises are effective for activating serotonin neurons.

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.163)
Improved Modeling Method of Equivalent Circuit to Acupuncture Point with Negative Impedance Converter

Shoji SUZUKI1CYoshinori ADACHI2 , Takashi AOKI2 and Masashi KAWAGUCHI1
1 Suzuka National College of Technology (Mie, Japan)
2Chubu University (Aichi, Japan)
In this paper, the authors improved the modeling method of an equivalent circuit to an acupuncture point with a negative impedance converter (NIC). This method has the advantage that one place can be measured in a few minutes. The concept of an imaginary short circuit of an Op amplifier is used. A floating capacitor C can be resonated with an inductance L outside the circuitDThe value of the floating capacitor C can be decided by measuring the resonance frequency. The measurement accuracy has improved by using the circuit.
acupuncture point, Hoku, Oriental medicine, negative impedance converter (NIC)

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.171)
Okada Purifying Therapy Reduces Stiffness and Pain, and improves QOL: A Pilot Study

Yasutami TSUDA1, Mitsuhiro IZUMI2, Atsushi FUJII2, Kohei NAKAJIMA2
1MOA Health Science Foundation (Shizuoka, Japan)
2MOA International Support Center, Purifying Therapy Promotion and Research Team (Tokyo, Japan)
Effectiveness of Okada Purifying Therapy (OPT) was investigated by practitioners towards muscle hardness, pain etc. It was confirmed that a 15-mininute session of OPT self-healing reduced stiffness of their shoulders, and repeated session improved their QOL. It was suggested that a 30-minute session of OPT reduced the stiffness of subjectsf therapy-application points, including the shoulder (for shoulder stiffness) and the lower side of the kidney (for low-back pain), and the neck of subjects who suffered from headaches.
Okada purifying therapy, stiffness, muscle hardness meter, CAM

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.177)
Anterograde continuous prolonged inhalation method produces anti-obesity and various respiratory control effects in 63 subjects

Hong Zeng
Obitsu Sankei Hospital Educational Training Institute
Mitochondria Cell Breathing for Curing Diseases, South Branch of Ibaraki (Ibaraki, Japan)
We have previously proposed a gmitochondria cell respiration diet method in line with the fatty acid degeneration pathway1) (hereinafter, anterograde continuous prolonged inhalation method), which focuses on the similarity between the cellular respiration control mechanism in the mitochondrial fatty acid degeneration pathway and the human abdominal respiration method. In this study, we applied this breathing method in 63 subjects and observed improvement of obesity considered due to activation of the afferent ginspiratory muscle beta-sympathetic nervous system-hypothalamush pathway resulting from increased continuous activities of inspiratory muscles, such as the diaphragm, and various physiological effects.
The 63 subjects had various complications such as obesity, menopausal symptoms, infertility, depression, and collagen disease. The application of the anterograde continuous prolonged inhalation method produced an anti-obesity effect considered due to continuous increase in heat production in mitochondria within brown fat cells stimulated by the ginspiratory muscle beta-sympathetic nervous system-hypothalamush pathway, continuous heat divergence via profuse sweating induced by sympathetic stimulation, and activation of the beta-oxidation of white fat cells. The breathing method also produced the following effects: improvement of fatigue via increased ATP synthesis, suppression of food intake via leptin and calcitonin, leptin-mediated diuretic effect, improvement of infertility and menopausal symptoms via increased cAMP concentration and increased synthesis of various hormones, improvement of depression, improvement of osteoporosis, improvement of collagen disease considered due to improvement of mitochondrial apoptotic function, and increased glucose uptake. The present study also clarified the basis of the respiratory control physiology of the anterograde continuous prolonged inhalation method in lipid metabolism, that is, the pathway leading from inhalation to the hypothalamus, beta-sympathetic nervous system, heat production, and heat divergence.
mitochondria, abdominal respiration method, anterograde continuous prolonged inhalation method, diet method, hypothalamus, diaphragm, beta-sympathetic, continuous heat production, continuous heat divergence, afferent

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.183)
Measuring Brain Waves Change during an Out-of-Body Experience

Yasuhiro INUI1 and Kimiko KAWANO2
1Tao Institute (Tokyo, Japan)
2Bio-Emission Laboratory, International Research Institute (Chiba, Japan)
In an out-of-body experience (OBE) a person feels his consciousness leaves his own body. Dao-jiao Nei-dan-fa (tao method) can induce a meditative OBE. The authors used the latest model electro-encephalo graph to measure brain waves during OBE. The subject who was a veteran practitioner of the tao method showed significant appearance of Į brain waves ..
out-of-body experience, OBE,brain waves, Įbrain waves , neuronal cell, control,tao

(J. Intl. Soc. life Info. Sci. Vol.28, No.1, p.188)
Difference in Brain Blood Flow Changes between Two Types of Qigong Measuring Brain Waves Change during an Out-of-Body Experience

Mai ASAH1, Kimiko KAWANO2 and Hideyuki KOKUBO3
1Asahi Kikou Association (Chiba, Japan)
2Institute for Living Body Measurements, International Research Institute (Chiba, Japan)
Functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) measurements were made on the changes of blood flow in the parietal lobe while doing two types of Qigong (Live Therapy), gThe-Loveh and gSobi-kouh. gThe-Loveh type stems, in a natural manner, from the movements of the Live Therapy which has 6 patterns. Its practitioners have reported feelings of refreshment and satisfaction, mitigation of pain and improvement in sight. This experiment was conducted to find the change of physical condition and the differences between the two types of Live Therapy on brain activity. The subject was a skilled female practitioner of Japanese Live Therapy. More blood flow near the parietal lobe was found doing gThe-Loveh than in gSobi-Kouh. Further experiments are now under consideration to clarify the differences between beginners and mid-level practitioners.
Qigong, Live Therapy, fNIRS, brain blood flow, parietal lobe

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Last Modified: April 12, 2010