Call-of-more Posters for Human PSI Forum

Program Committee of Human PSI Forum

May 10th, 2002

Call-of-more Posters:

Poster Presentation
Call-of-more Posters
Please submit your abstract (500 words) with key-words via e-mail to by May 31st, 2002.
Oral PresentationSubmission of oral presentation has finished. Thank you very much for your interest.

Category List of Posters

Category A

complementary and alternative medicine, traditional medicine, integrative medicine, Oriental medicine, acupucture and moxibustion, Kanpo, preventive medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, art therapy, sports therapy, healing, folk medicine, health keeping, etc.

Category B

mind-body control and various states of consciousness (religious experience, peak experience, near death experience, out of body experience, hallucination, shamanism, zen, meditation, qigong, yoga, etc.)

Category C

brain function, psychophysiology, consciousness and physics, quantum biology, anomalous somatic function, bio-electromagnetic phenomena, external qi, parapsychological phenomena, etc.

Category D

science of nursing, therapeutic touch, social psychology, health science, medical sociology, psychiatry, cultural anthropology, etc.

Category E


Last Modified : May 10th, 2002
Questions, comments, or problems: