Human PSI Forum

Author's Manual

April 15, 2002

Coordinator, Human PSI Forum
(Editor-in-Chief, Journal of ISLIS)

1. Publication
Proceedings of Human PSI Forum will be published in the Journal of International Society of Life Information Science (Journal of ISLIS), Vol.20, No.2 September, 2002 (ISSN 1341-9226). The issue of the journal will be available at the Forum.

2. Copyright
The copyrights of all articles published in the Journal of ISLIS belong to the International Society of Life Information Science (ISLIS). Therefore, anyone who wishes to reprint, quote from, or translate articles, must obtain the permission of the ISLIS.

3. Checking and Revision
The Program Committee checks all manuscripts. Authors should revise their manuscript immediately if the committee requires. The committee may regard them as cancelled if authors do not submit revised manuscripts on time.

4. Style
Manuscripts should be made up in the camera ready style (Please see Section 8).

5. Necessary Content for Manuscript.
Manuscript should be written in English (additionally, attachment of its Japanese translation for publication is preferable) as academic articles with title, authors' name(s), affiliations, abstracts, keywords, purpose, method, procedure, results, discussion, conclusion and references. Please have English checked by an adult native English speaker.

English Manuscript Components
Name(s) of Author(s)Surname is written in capital letters.
AffiliationDetails are described in the Foot Note.
AbstractEnglish 100-200 words
KeywordsFor 5 to 10 terms.
Foot NoteOnly first author in the listing, complete mailing address, Phone, Fax, E-mail, Homepage, etc. At the bottom left on the first page.
TextThe full text of the manuscript. Please indicate numbers of figures, tables and references.
Figure(s) and Table(s)Figure(s), Table(s) and legend(s)
References(Please see Section 9).

6. Address for Sending Manuscripts and Letters of Inquiry:
Forum Office (IRI)
c/o Yamamoto Bio-Emission Laboratory,
9-1, Anagawa-4, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi 263-8555 JAPAN
Phone : +81-43-206-3066
Fax : +81-43-206-3069
E-mail :

7. Please Send All Materials to the Forum Office, Including the Following Items:
1. Original manuscript and its copy.
2. E-mail or Floppy disk.
They are limited to the text form (File name is *.txt) or MS-Word file. Floppy disks are limited to 3.5 inch disks in MS-DOS or Macintosh format. When a floppy disk is mailed, care should be taken with packing.
3. Author's Information.
4. Your registration form for Human PSI Forum.

8. Things to Note When Making Up the Camera Ready Style Manuscript.
1. Size of paper
Use white paper of ISO size A4 (210mm x 297mm) or International letter size, or use the very thin yellow ruled paper, which will not be reflected in the photograph. (Prepare your own papers.)

2. Camera ready style
Submit papers that can be photoengraved just as they are. If it is clean, pasting is acceptable.

3. The number of Pages
Oral Presentation: English text from 2 to 10 pages (with Japanese text from 2 to 10 pages if possible).
Poster Presentation: English text from 1 to 2 pages (with Japanese text from 1 to 2 pages if possible).

4. Size of Journal
This journal is in international size (210mm x 277mm; 20mm shorter than ISO A4 size). Manuscripts are printed in actual size. Therefore, the lower part of the A4 size manuscript is cut.

5. Format
Please look at the format sample and follow it carefully and precisely.

6. Font
Use Times in English and Mincho in Japanese. If these are not available, use fonts similar to them. The size of the points (size of the characters) is specified in the sample.

7. Using Bold
Title, Subtitle, Figures (Fig. no.), Tables (Table no.), their Legends, the first Abbreviations, Reference, Citation, numbers of References.

8. Figures and Tables
Do not make them larger than necessary. Make them as clear as possible. English is necessary for the legends. If figures and tables are not printed in the text by computer, put them on the text with adequate scaling down.

9. Color printing
Because printing of color figures, photographs, etc. is very costly, (please refer to the price list on the separate sheet), authors must pay their actual costs. (Applicable to invited speakers.)
If there is no written promise of the payment, papers in colors will be printed in black and white.

10. Paging
Enter page numbers with a pencil at the bottom right corner of the papers. Paging should be done as in the form of 1/6, 2/6 ----- 6/6, making the number of total pages as the denominator. If there are the Japanese texts too, put the English one first; the number of total pages is the sum of English and Japanese text pages.

9. Format for References
1) Pei Z., Smith T. and Suzuki K.: Senzai noryoku no seibutugakuteki kiso (Biological basic of human psi), Renti Teyigongneng Yanjiu (Research on Paranormal Function of the Human Psi), 4(3): 168-170, 1988 [in Japanese with an English abstract].

Standard Style: Write items in [ ] if needed.
Article in JournalAuthor name(s): the title, journal name, volume(Number): page to page, year [language].
Article in BookAuthor name(s): the title, in Editor's name(s), the title of the book, page to page, published city, publisher, year [serial number] [ISBN] [language] [media].
BookAuthor's name(s): the title, version, published city, publisher, year, total pages [name of series, serial number] [ISBN] [language] [media].

When references are to non-English literature and do not have an English title, note the following format. Write English phonetic spellings of the journal name. Provide an English translation of the journal name in ( ). Use the most suitable terms when no standard terms exist.


The case of the Japanese journal "Seimei-jouhou to Kagaku":
Seimei-jouhou to Kagaku (Life Information and Science)
The case of the Chinese journal "Renti Teyigongneng Yanjiu" :
Renti Teyigongneng Yanjiu (Research on Paranormal Functions of the Human Psi) [in Chinese]
The case of the Chinese journal "Ziran Zazhi"
Ziran Zazhi (Nature Journal) [in Chinese]